Our Responses to Loneliness & Isolation

From the beginning, Ballyhoura Rural Services desire has been to combat loneliness in all its forms and our focus remains on offering a flexible and adaptable service, directed by the individual needs of the client.

About Us

Our Story

Ballyhoura Rural Services (BRS) was established in 2010 to tackle rural and social isolation in the Ballyhoura region; from the beginning, a desire to combat loneliness in all its forms has driven the organisation and our focus remains on offering a flexible and adaptable service, directed by the individual needs of the client.

We work closely with a range of other agencies and organisations such as the HSE, Public Health Nurses, GPs, Social Workers, local development companies, Rural Bus, the VEC, St Vincent De Paul, the Irish Wheelchair Association, the Irish Council for the blind and numerous local community and voluntary groups.

We advocate for our clients and link them in with services providing long-term sustainable supports to maintain people independently in their own homes. We also organise events and outings and social gatherings for small and larger groups of likeminded clients.

Our Values

Values inform our actions and practice and are a reference point to check that our own attitudes and behaviour and that of our staff team are aligned with the ethos of the organisation.